Do Facts Matter? The clear evidence that autism symptoms relate to environmental toxins, broadly defined.
A survey of the empirical research on the topic of autism and toxins will be presented. Scientific research does not support rejecting the link between the neurodevelopmental disorder of autism and toxic exposures, and most experts believe that autism is on the rise. The author’s research on environmental links to autism prevalence in Minnesota will be covered. In addition, a potential link between cytokine reactions and autism will also be discussed.
Catherine DeSoto, PhD
Dr. DeSoto received her doctorate from the University of Missouri (2001) studying brain imaging and hormonal influences on behavior. Her research has been published in Psychoneuroendocrinology, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, and Neurotoxicology. Her research findings have been noted in the journal Science and have received international recognition by the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder.