Disconnected Kids, Understanding and Correcting Functional Disconnection in Autism

In this presentation the author of Disconnected Kids will explain perhaps the first true universal theory of Autism, Functional Disconnection. He will explain Functional Neurologic approach to identifying and treating functional disconnection. He will also explain how all of the symptoms of Autism can be explained by understanding a functional imbalance between large cortical networks in the brain especially between the two hemispheres. In this presentation the author of Disconnected Kids will explain perhaps the first true universal theory of Autism, Functional Disconnection. He will explain Functional Neurologic approach to identifying and treating functional disconnection. He will also explain how all of the symptoms of Autism can be explained by understanding a functional imbalance between large cortical networks in the brain especially between the two hemispheres.

Robert J. Melillo, MS, MNeuroSci, DC, PhD (C) ,DABCN, FACFN, FABCDD, DC, MA

Dr Robert Melillo, the creator of the Brain Balance program TM, is an internationally recognized author, professor researcher with an expertise in neurology, rehabilitation, neuropsychology, neuroscience and childhood developmental disorders. Since 1994 his program has helped thousands of children and families. He is a clinician with 25 years of experience.