Current Immunological Research Pertaining to the Child (Chiropractic Continuing Ed Track registrants only)
Dr. Jodie A. Dashore will highlight the complex interplay between the upregulated innate immune cascade and the adaptive immune system T-cell response with reduced T-reg activity seen in response to biotoxin exposure in genetically susceptible children with Complex Autism ™ with a positive HLA-DR mapping. Dr. Dashore will discuss the innate immune system activation sequence leading to cell signaling the release of inflammatory molecules that disrupt cell electrodynamics and lead to endocrine disruption specially the neuropepetide hormones and end-organ hormone systems.
Jodie A. Dashore, OTD
Dr. Jodie A. Dashore, OTD, is an internationally recognized pioneering physician in the world of what Dr. Jodie A. Dashore refers to as “Complex Autism” (TM) Lyme Disease, and Biotoxin Illness and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
As an esteemed member of ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) and a Lyme Literate Naturopathicphysician since 2010, Dr. Jodie A. Dashore's has an amazing track record using all-natural protocols for helping patients with chronic and treatment resistant Lyme Disease.