Connecting the Latest Research to Clinical Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders - CME Program

This lecture will review the latest research in the areas of molecular virology and immunology to create a working hypothesis of autistic pathophysiology. It will define commercially available biomarkers and the way they can be useful in treatment selection and monitoring of the effect of any given intervention. Useful and rational treatments will be discussed with many options being presented.

James Jeffrey Bradstreet, MD, MD(H), F

Dr. Bradstreet obtained his medical degree from the University of South Florida and his residency training at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center. He is extensively published on the subjects of immunology, toxicology and molecular biology. Currently he is enhancing techniques for stem cell yield from adipose tissue. This work continues and enhances his efforts at immunotherapy, heavy metal detoxfication and restoration of a healthy gut ecosystem.