Common Biochemical Imbalances and the Functional Approach to Healing (Chiropractic Continuing Ed Track registrants only)
Key Objectives:
Educational Purpose: To educate the chiropractic community and other integrative practitioners on the powerful role that nutrition and our microbial partners play in restoring biochemical imbalances commonly found in individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
Kathleen DiChiara, FDN-P, BNI-P, INHC
Kathleen DiChiara, FDN-P, BNI-P, INHC is a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, integrative nutrition health coach and author of the best-selling book, The Hidden Connection, Kathleen has specialized training in the biomedical approaches and supplemental interventions to autism. She is a professionally trained chef and is board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She is the president and chair of the board for a non-profit agency that services over 40,000 people with special healthcare needs.