The California Coalition for Health Choice Rally, Sacramento, CA, April 8, 2015
SB277 RALLY to protest against SB277!
Should this bill become law, it will mandate ALL vaccines to ALL children in California, whether they are enrolled in public school, private school, parochial/religious school, charter school, or home school.
Currently in CA, there is a bill before the legislature, SB 277, which would eliminate a parent's right to exempt their children from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. Only a medical exemption would remain, which is usually only issued after a catastrophic adverse vaccine reaction has occurred, and often times, not even then.
SPEAKERS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Eric Gladen, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Bob Sears, Karen Kain, Dr. Brian Stenzler, Dr. Ken Stoller, Laura Hayes, Victoria Ikerd-Schreiter, Dawn Winkler, Christie Dames, Michelle Ford, and Landon Amonette.
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