Autism, Law Enforcement & First Response Training

This session will focus on autism recognition and response; predictable field contacts
& 911 dispatches, dangerous and fatal wandering, situational awareness and response, deescalation tips, restraint, arrest & custody and interview. The key goal is sustainability of training. Everyone will come away with a good, practical understanding of effective approaches when interacting with individuals affected by autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Dennis Debbaudt

Dennis Debbaudt is the proud father of Brad, a young man who has autism. A professional investigator and journalist, Dennis has developed training videos for law enforcement professionals throughout the United States, Canada, Iceland, New Zealand and the UK. He’s authored many titles including Autism, Advocates and Law Enforcement Professionals and Contact with Individuals with Autism-FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.

Stephen M. Shore, EdD

Diagnosed with “strong autistic tendencies,” nonverbal until four and recommended for institutionalization, Stephen Shore is now a professor of special education at Adelphi University focusing on helping people with autism develop their capacities to the fullest extent possible. Presenting and consulting internationally, Stephen is an internationally known author, consultant, and educator on issues related to autism.