Auditory Integration Training: The MIND Research Network Project
This presentation will provide an overview of Auditory Integration Training. AIT is a music-based intervention used with individuals that exhibit behavioral, speech/language issues and sound hypersensitivities. The presentation will include a discussion of the history and application of AIT [Ms. Brockett] and an overview of recent brain imaging data related to the impact of AIT [Dr. Lewine].
Sally Brockett, MS, MS
Sally Brockett, MS is director of IDEA Training Center in North Haven, Connecticut, and a certified International Berard AIT Instructor/Practitioner. With personal training from Dr. Guy Berard and 18 years experience with Berard AIT, Sally continues to provide his method to children and adults with various developmental delays.
Jeffrey David Lewine, PhD, PhD
Jeffrey David Lewine, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Translational Neuroscience at the MIND Research Network and an adjunct professor in Psychology and Neurology at the University of New Mexico. His research, funded by NIH, NSF and several private foundations focuses on the biology of autism with a special emphasis on auditory and language processing and the potential impact of epileptiform activity in the brain on autistic features. He also uses brain imaging to track treatment efficacy.