American Health Coalition: Finding and Building your State Coalition

We have been working diligently to collect and facilitate access to state health freedom organizations which have been establishing themselves since the passing of SB277 and VaxXed. Creating a matrix for the ever expanding army of activists to find and work with their like-minded tribe is the focus of American Health Coalition. This is paired with the leadership of many long-term Health Freedom groups and the growing group of effective, nationally focused, but more recently established organizations. The ultimate goal is for Americans who care about access to health options, no matter which issue they resonate with, emerging as a Voting Bloc working together to gain traction resulting in health and freedom to choose.


Dana Gorman, MS

Dana is a long-term supporter and participant in Autism One for the last 13 years. Almost 16 years ago she founded Defeat Autism Yesterday, which evolved in 2007 to THRiiiVE. In January of 2018 she hosted the 14th THRiiiVE Summit, bringing together some of the world's top healing doctors. Her activism shifted when #CDCwhistleblower became a project for a hard-working team that met daily. This culminated in WIRED publishing a comprehensive article about their strategy. As a California resident and Health Freedom Congress attendee, SB277 brought another shift in focus. This resulted in spearheading and co-founding action based organizations like CaliSummit and AmericanHealthCoalition.