Aligning Your Family's Overall Wellness
As families strive to obtain what their children need to regain their health, they often neglect to maintain overall wellness for our entire family. This session will provide families with the tools to coordinate their family's overall wellness and how to build a necessary foundation of collaboration with treating medical professionals and other providers to ensure desired health needs and benefits are achieved. Additionally, attendees will learn how to navigate the system of care, including for individuals receiving supports via Medicaid, for choice and the maximum beneficial outcomes for the entire family.
Carolyn Gammicchia
Carolyn Gammicchia is a long-time disability advocate whose efforts within systems change have benefitted many individuals, including those with disabilities seeking choice, autonomy, and self-determined lives. As a parent of two sons, one who has autism, she has spent the last twenty-five years navigating the paths of service deliverables through complementary health care and Medicaid while also creating new options for health choice.