15,000 Just-a-Moms Facing Goliath to Maintain Vaccine Choice in Texas
Jackie will speak on the strategies and tools that have been wildly effective in protecting and advancing informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice in the great state of Texas!
Jackie Schlegel
Jackie Schlegel courageously leads Texans for Vaccine Choice. When legislators are led astray and propose poorly written bills that will take away vaccine choice and parental rights, Jackie Schlegel steps up to the plate and says, "Not on my watch." In only three years, Jackie took a group of "just a bunch of moms" and turned it into the epitome of grassroots activism. That fledgling group of 20 is now a political action committee with over 15,000 followers and thousands of members (and counting) who proudly call themselves Texans for Vaccine Choice. Thanks to Jackie's endless energy and passion, this group is organized with local branches, core members, and team leaders. Her unshakable dedication inspires all members to have laser focus on one goal and one goal only - to maintain vaccine choice in the great state of Texas.