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L.E.A.N. On Us has a new Facebook Fan Page

We'd like to invite everyone to our new L.E.A.N. On Us Facebook Fan Page. On this page within the photo albums you will find an album specific to Autism. You can click on many of the items to find out where to obtain them and most can be accessed free.

Additionally there is a "Resource of the Day" that is offered and others encouraged to comment and offer resources on appropriate preparedness and appropriate response for individuals with disabilities by those first responder agencies that serve them.

Aspergerchild February eNews

To check out the February edition of my eNews, containing up to date news, views and information on Autism and Asperger's Syndrome click the link.

TannersDad Lays it on the line. Autism & the House.

It is one thing to be rejected by your partner but after losing my job again, again, again... Let's just say I have lost track, I think my right hand has decided to kick me out of bed. I am not worthy We are not worthy. I am not going to pass the buck and write a woe is me post. No this is a larger view. The setting on this stage is on a backdrop of a family dealing with Heart attacks, Autism, & Unemployment but that just is the little punch in the gut that gets me thinking. Where does the Male go to find strokes for that once mighty ego?

A Statement from Generation Rescue in Support of Dr. Andrew Wakefield

The following appears on the Generation Rescue website at

A Statement from Generation Rescue in Support of Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Do you think pharmaceutical companies have too much influence in the laws, policies, and regulations of our government? We do.

Do you think pharmaceutical companies do things that most Americans would view as unethical to protect their profits? We do.

G P S Watch

I just wanted to let everyone know there is a GPS watch just coming out next week .
I order one for my daughter with autism.
The adult one is coming out this summer.
It could save a life,Check it out.

Statement from member organizations of the Autism Collaboration

A Sad Day for the Future of Children

A Threat to Justice Everywhere

During the struggle to try and secure civil rights for all Americans in the sixties, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. found himself incarcerated in Birmingham, Alabama. His time in jail was put to good use, as he wrote a letter to a group of clergymen who, although sympathetic to Dr. King’s cause, were critical of the Birmingham demonstrations as being too confrontational. In other words, Dr. King was rocking the boat.

A Sorrowful Day

From the beginning of the matter concerning Drs. Wakefield, Murch, and Walker-Smith, it has never been predominantly a question of science on the GMC's part. These gentlemen were persecuted because of monied entities protecting self-interests, aided by the collusion of media entities. This has been an orchestrated campaign to protect antiquated public health policies and industry pockets. This campaign was also waged as a tool of intimidation worldwide to warn other doctors not to question the status quo. In the end, science will prevail.